Saturday, October 5, 2024



-Revelations calls the Anti-Christ The King of Terror. Maybe me and my garden / Terra that gives me my miracle powers

-and Revelations says the Anti-Christ rules all nations with an Iron Rod. Maybe meaning with my miracles all over almost all of space from the very start of each version of it. I control all parts of it

-and the golden rod I picked off the Road outside Tauranga Hospital Gate. It has a hook on one end of it like a Shepherd's Crook. And lines coming up at the base like a Crown

-it has engraved on it POWERS and 8mm. 

-every planet or Moon etc with life or that gets life ever except Earth. Follows my Government Rules

-I cut off all forms of POWER until people follow my rules

-8mm every planet, Moon etc with life ever except Earth follows my rules. 8mm as in 666

-or maybe I took over all nations by all the sex and children I have had (sex sex sex)


-the fictional magazine photo I saw of star MARKY MARK Wahlberg. On stage in shorts. With fictional leg hairs. Long, black and far spaced

-MARKY MARK- maybe there is no truth to 'STAR WARS' and STAR RECORD after STAR RECORD. Like the fictional leg hairs. As if for Light Sabres or Record Styleses. In the photo he was on a STAGE. A Stage for STAR Wars and a Stage for the massive Record Star maybe replacing me

-the black hairs on his legs like STARS. Star Wars ideas I thought weren't true. Black hairs like Dalmatian spots. There never was for anyone any type of Record Deal like 100 massive songs per album going on for good


-Anti-Christ- me. Rules all nations

-False Prophet- me stealing all the power of the Holy Trinity. When I repeated Bop Bup Bup. Wholes Three

-Second Beast- me doing as mighty miracles as possible for my 4 Universes in history lists I made up over 4 years like 40 months

-Destroyer- me wiping out about everything but me. Which might have set up for me to destroy several versions of space. Then replace that version with new miracles

-Magog and Gog- the two versions of me. One in the real Universe. One on a Plate

-Terminator- I killed off completely maybe about all or all. Of the lists of names or groups of people I wanted to. Through all the history of space. Completely ended

-Damnation- can cause someone's life to be always bad. And trap anyone in maximum pain forever when they die 

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The Origin of 666

  -the number of the Anti-Christ 666 -may be partly taken from -my planned list of miracles I have been working on since November 19th 2020....